Verbal Communication | CBSE Class 10 IT (402)

Verbal communication includes sounds, words, language, and speech. Speaking is one of the most effective and commonly used ways of communicating. It helps in expressing our emotions in words. By improving your verbal communication skills you will build rapport and have a better connection.

Type of Verbal Communication

1. Interpersonal Communication

2. Written Communication

3. Small-Group Communication

4. Public Communication

1. Interpersonal Communication

This form of communication takes place between two individuals and is thus a one-on-one conversation. It can be formal or informal. 


1. A manager discussing the performance with an employee. 

2. Two friends discussing homework. 

Two people talking to each other over the phone or video call.

2. Written Communication

This form of communication involves writing words. It can be letters, circulars, reports, manuals, SMS, social media chats, etc. It can be between two or more people. 


1. A manager writing an appreciation e-mail to an employee. 

2. Writing a letter to grandmother enquiring about health.

3. Small-Group Communication 

This type of communication takes Pace when there are more than two people involved. Each participant can interact and convene with the rest. 


1. Press conferences 

2. Board meetings 

3. Team meetings

4. Public Communication

This type of communication takes place when one individual addresses a large gathering. 


1. Election campaigns 

2. Public speeches by dignitaries

Advantages of Verbal Communication 

It is an easy mode of communication in which you can exchange ideas by saying what you want and get a quick response. Verbal communication also enables you to keep changing your interaction as per the other person's response. 

The disadvantage of Verbal Communication

Since verbal communication depends on written or spoken words, sometimes the meanings can be confusing and difficult to understand if the right words are not used.

Mastering Verbal Communication 

Most people tend to get nervous while speaking in front of a large group, or even while speaking to their teachers, managers, or supervisors. However, if you focus on the points given below, you can enhance and master your verbal communication skills.

1. Think Before You Speak

  • Think about your topic.
  • Think about the most effective ways to make your listeners understand the topic.
  • Write or note down whatever you plan to say. 

2. Concise and Clear 

  • Speak clearly, loudly, and at moderate speed. 
  • Be sure the information you want to share is to the point. 
  • Do not repeat the same sentences.